Climate Chaos 

A new project by Light, Ladd, Emberton

Three dance artists examine their relationship with climate science and confront their personal responsibility in search of hope under the weight of the climate emergency.  

One tries to understand Climate Denial

One tries to understand the impact of agriculture on the environment. 

One tries understand the Science

Climate Chaos examines the fractured, overlapping world of truth and misinformation around climate change. The confusion, absurdity and panic that many of us feel are explored through movement, text, cow masks and an octopus suit, intent on offering hope of the potential of societal tipping points. 

Touching upon personal experiences and their individual roles, the hope is to activate audiences to reflect and consider the environmental future and finding hope in uncomfortable truths; just like we have: 

‘I am the problem and the solution’.

The future of the show…

We will be developing the work into a full length show in autumn 2023. We plan to create a work that is adaptable to both traditional theatre settings and events, festivals and conferences. The work will be available for booking from summer 2024.

We are seeking interested partners who would help support us take this work into creation. As part of the offer for this show we are keen to facilitate conversations around climate with a range of different groups and communities from young farmers, schools and even scientists. Thus the following supportive activity will be available in some form.

Additional activities 
Climate Chaos Workshops - explore your emotional responses physically as we move, articulate and discover our personal truths about climate change. 

Dancers in Conversation With …- Two worlds collide in this enlightening and approachable conversation between audience and performers. Honest, personal and heartfelt conversations burst the confusion bubble with audience Q&A. 

Screenings of ‘amser / time’ - We are also able to offer screenings of our award winning climate dance film amser / time.

Future dates 

Depending on funding we aim to create the work in Autumn 2023, touring and performances in2024.




    An ecological scientist and environmental campaigner, met us several times during the online meetings and joined us in Gregynog for two days. He is now undertaking a further doctorate that studies the interplay between emotion and reason within the climate emergency movement’s communication strategies.



    Supported us developing thinking about how the future work can be accessible, who and how people might experience it through captioning, BSL etc. We will continue to consult with Sara into production and beyond.



    We were supported by Shane Nickels as Producer who supported the implementation, management and delivery of the project, assisting in our thinking about where the future work will place, who the audience will be and how they will receive it

The Research So Far…

In returning as a collective to the studio we trialled a new process which is counter to previous collaborations; we have chosen not to have a creative lead for the project but to continue to share the directorial, scripting and choreographic practice as a joint endeavour. It has led us to create something bold, vibrant and our most personal work to date.

Our research and exploration was also supported by climate scientist Dr Aaron Thierry.  His research, expertise and knowledge ensured the project’s theoretical and academic quality and that our research itself is robust and will stand up to scrutiny considering our questioning of many aspects of science and disinformation. 

This project was focused on the continuation of environmental work we had carried out over the pandemic, exploring our individual threads and seeing where there were touch points to bring them together. It builds upon our award winning film work ‘amser / time’. 

Find out more about Amser / Time

Our research and work with Dr Thierry highlights an urgent need to examine how we communicate climate science to the general public. The importance of bursting the bubble of confusion that surrounds many people and acts as a barrier to being able to engage fully and actively.

Our biggest learning was in exploring the relationship between art and activism and the effectiveness of each on the social tipping points and dialogues around climate science. Climate Chaos will be about activating individuals to reflect deeper on their climate knowledge through the personal, emotional and factual.